Getting involved makes you a SUDS4Students Bubble! What is a SUDS4Students Bubble you ask? Great question!
In order for SUDS4Students to achieve the mission of discreetly putting specific hygiene items into the hands of those students that would likely have limited or no access to them, we need partners! Partnering with SUDS4Students makes you a SUDS4Students Bubble! Just like real bubbles, you are spreading joy and making people smile. As a SUDS4Students Bubble, you are changing lives!
There are a lot of different ways to become a SUDS4Students Bubble!

Event Volunteer: SUDS4Students will host fundraising and collection drive events. We need individuals that are able to help with registration, organization, and execution of these events. If you are able to volunteer in this capacity, please register as a volunteer, and as these opportunities become available, you will hear from us. If you have questions, please feel free to email us directly. Volunteer as an individual or a group! Come one, come all!
Collections and Distributions: As SUDS4Students is product driven, we have to be able to get these products from one place to another. If you have a valid driver’s license with a clean driving record, we would love to have your help! You don't need a large truck or SUV to help with collections. Some collections will easily be managed in a car. You will however, need a good back. There will likely be some lifting of products involved. If you are able to volunteer in this capacity, please register as a volunteer, and as these opportunities become available, you will hear from us. If you have questions, please feel free to email us directly.

Become a SUDS4Students School
If you have any middle or high school students in your school that may not have regular access to soap, toothpaste, tooth brush, laundry detergent, deodorant, or shampoo then you may be eligible to become a SUDS4Students school. Applications to be a SUDS4Students School can be submitted at any time. There is no need too small or too large to apply. Each approved application will allow a 6 month supply of products to be delivered to the school. A new application will be required every 6 months. If the 6 month timeframe falls within the summer months, then the school will apply when school is back in session for the fall. The application process is not difficult so don't let that scare you away. Things change quickly at a school. Students come and go, people fall on hard times, and lives change. At SUDS4Students, we want to ensure that we are meeting the needs your students have. The best way to do this is to reassess, hence the 6 month reapplication process.
In order to become a SUDS4Students school, there are a few simple requirements:
-Re-Apply every 6 months
-Distribution to an individual student should take place on a monthly basis. The intent is to provide enough products for each student on monthly basis. Distributions aren't intended for the entire extended family, neighbors, etc.
-School must identify a single point of contact. This contact will be the SUDS4Students Advisor. The SUDS4Students Advisor can be any employee at the school operating with the approval of the school principal.
-The SUDS4Students Advisor must work with the administration, teachers, and staff with the school to ensure that there is a confidential method to identify the students that would benefit.
-The SUDS4Students Advisor commits that the confidentially of the students that receive SUDS products will be maintained to only those administration, teachers, and staff that need to know. Most importantly that the confidentiality of the student is protected from other students.
-SUDS4Students Advisor supervise distribution of supplies to a student and ensure these distributions will take place in a location that will allow the student to maintain confidentiality and privacy. Distribution of supplies to deserving student should never take place where other students could witness, and other students should never be a part of the SUDS4Students distribution. Ex: Student office workers should never deliver the supplies to the receiving student.
-A secure and discreet location to store the supplies
By now, I'm sure you are picking up on the theme.. the confidentiality of this process is is extremely important. These kids have a tough enough situation already. Allowing other students to openly know the identity of a SUDS4Students recipient only allows an opportunity for embarrassment for the student.

Partner with SUDS4Students
Collection Drive! This is how SUDS4Students started! Our very first collection drive was a battle between the 6th grade classes at a local middle school. Ultimately, the winners walked away with a pizza lunch provided at school!
Simple really, just gather your friends, co-workers, civic organization, business, religious group, students, clubs, and have a collection drive! Remember, SUDS4Students is collecting items that will be discreetly given to students. If you choose to have a collection drive, SUDS4Students will ONLY accept 10 oz size or smaller, and no hotel sizes. The 10 oz sizes are available at any Dollar Tree. Basically, it needs fit in a backpack but not your front pocket. Collection drives will require some coordination with SUDS4Students directly to pick-up and deliver the collected items. We would love to know about your efforts! Please remember to post pics of your collections! #SUDS4Students
Have a fundraising event!
Gather your friends, co-workers, civic organization, business, religious group, students, classes, clubs, and have a fundraising event to donate the proceeds to SUDS4Students. There's no group too small to make a BIG impact for SUDS4Students. Your efforts will allow us to direct purchase the items that will be delivered to a SUDS4Students school. We would love to know about your efforts! Take pics and send them as your fundraiser progresses! #SUDS4Students
Become a Business Partner! Get your business involved! SUDS4Students would love to partner directly with your business. Some ideas and immediate needs are listed, but if you would like to partner with us in any capacity, please contact us directly via email or register as a business partner, and you will hear from us.
-You can designate your store/organization as a collection site
-Donate funds
-We need a climate controlled storage space for storage of the products.
-SUDS4Students is starting with distribution within East TN only. Our goal is to help all students across the US, that could benefit. This will require distribution channels through the country. If you have the capability to work with SUDS4Students on this distribution in East TN and beyond, please let us know.
-You have your own ideas.. we'd love to hear them, let us know!